弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)VR游戏下载

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  • 更新2020-08-25
  • 分类VR游戏
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支持设备:HTC VIVE / Oculus / Valve Index / 游戏库

弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)

Out of Ammo is an intense virtual reality strategy game for the HTC Vive that puts you in the commander's seat against wave after wave of soldiers. Built exclusively for room-scale to make use of motion tracking, the game allows you to move around the battlefield to build defenses and issue orders. You can even directly possess your units to directly engage the enemy making use of cover and preparing your magazines carefully so you don't.... run out of ammo!
Key Features
Eight unique freeplay environments to try your skill on
Two specialist mission modes
Cooperative Multiplayer in freeplay for up to four players
Construct defenses such as sandbags and watchtowers
Issue orders to your soldiers
Five different kinds of units each with special abilities
Possess any units directly to control their engagement
Call in artillery, airstrikes, and sniper targets
Fixed Machine guns, Grenades, flares, and more
Unlock the potential of Room-Scale VR
Important: Requires room-scale. You must have an HTC Vive or an Oculus with Touch Controllers.

Out of Ammo has been designed exclusively around room-scale. Possessing your units allows you to utilize the full capability and power of the positional tracking; take cover behind sandbags, lean over a tower railing, or duck behind your sandbags and grab a grenade to throw as a last resort! Full physics applied to game objects further enhances your experience allowing you to position your magazines in the space around you ready for when you need to reload.
Unit Types
Rifleman - Thirty round fully-automatic rifle with manual magazine reload
Sniper - Semi-automatic bolt action long distance rifle with scope
Rocketeer - Single-shot re-loadable rocket-propelled grenade launcher
Medic - Heals troops but can shoot with a pistol when controlled
Engineer - Constructs and repairs fortifications, can shoot with a pump-action shotgun when controlled
Command the defense of an area in the endless enemy spawning mode that the game released with. You defend an area against a never-ending wave of enemies of all kinds. Includes enemy tanks, snipers, and even enemy mortar teams who shell your base.

Played entirely in first person you are a sniper providing overwatch for a downed helicopter. Protect the evacuees from your position inside a clock tower. You can teleport around the tower and have multiple weapons to utilize, as well as a UAV providing a view of the battlefield. You succeed once all evacuees make it out alive.

You crash land in hostile terrain. Played entirely in first person you must scavenge for ammo by teleporting around. Use flares and torches to highlight inbound enemies. Survive until rescue arrives!
A small base perched in a clearing at the bottom of a valley. Backed by a river the location offers good cover from the rear. All the facilities are centrally located making it reasonably easy for the talented commander to defend.

A very tight open space in the city serves as a base for local operations. You won't have much warning for the enemies approach, but they will also have fewer routes in to your location. Additionally, the high-rise buildings that surround you offer excellent over-watch for enemy snipers. Beware of their red IR beams that indicate they are sighting your troops!

Out in the open fields of the desert you have excellent vision of enemy incoming from all directions. However, if you can see them they can see you. Here you can, and often will, be attacked from all directions. Choose your defensive locations carefully and be prepared to recommit forces quickly in order to maintain this position. A real challenge for any commander.

Set high in the mountains at twilight, battle against an enemy in difficult conditions. Visibility is hard due to the falling light and your vision of enemies is hampered by the nearby forest. Some lights exist in the compound and your soldiers have set fires nearby the camp to try and help highlight incoming enemy.

A wide area in a key harbor need defense against the enemy. You have a huge area in which to build your base, but sight lines up to your perimeter are tight. Beware of enemy snipers from across the water. An excellent environment for those with large play areas, but still enjoyable for those with not much room.

Situated high on a beach-head, defend your well fortified base from the onslaught of enemy arriving by boat. Beware also of enemy special forces flanking you on land or taking sniping positions above. You have two pillboxes on the beach you can station soldiers in to help curb the frantic pace of beach assault!

Is the truth really out there? You won't have time to know while you're fighting enemies from nearly every direction surrounded by radio telescopes! Your base location is backed into a wall so at least one direction of attack is safe... or is it?

Oculus Rift弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)HTC Vive弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)WindowsMR弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)HTC控制器弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)OC控制器弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)WindowsMR控制器弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)就坐使用
站立使用弹尽粮绝(Out of Ammo)空间要求

操作系统操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit操作系统: Windows 10
处理器处理器: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater处理器: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
内存内存: 8 GB RAM内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡图形: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图形: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
硬盘存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间

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